Chemical manufacturer gets fit for the Digital age

Sep 14, 2021 | Digital Studio, Our work

Agility is key in the digital world. Fast failures are just as key to success as quick wins.

There comes a moment when change is needed, and fast. This was precisely the case for a global chemical manufacturer that needed to get fit for the digital age to stay at the cutting edge of the industry.

The Project

Together with the client, we identified four digital opportunities that could improve their business. These ranged from digitising the business model and internal operations to enhancing the customer experience with digital technology. But how did we turn these abstract ideas into a concrete plan?

The Digital Studio

We drove each of these initiatives by setting up a roadmap and a centralised Digital Studio. With our Digital Studio framework, opportunities can be dynamically analysed, developed and implemented. This ultimately transformed the business.   

Our work with the client not only helped them achieve their immediate goals in a short period of time. It also opened up a whole new way of working. We gave invaluable advice on digital governance, operating models and the IT landscape as a whole. Agile and Lean Start-up methodologies were embedded in the process from beginning to end.

Agility is key

As the client continues their digital journey, incorporating these methodologies into their work will allow them to capture new customer needs as they emerge, instead of reacting once it’s already too late. In a digital climate that is constantly evolving, such agility is essential for a global chemical manufacturer to get fit for the digital age.

However, it’s not just about not falling behind – it’s about staying ahead. Our Digital Studio uncovers new, innovative ideas that can be quickly realised and launched or identified as unfeasible.  In the digital world, fast failures are just as key to success as quick wins.

Our agile way of working, based on design thinking, is what makes us so effective. With our Digital Studio, you’ll be surprised at just how good the results are, and how quickly we get them. Find out how it helped a client roll out brand-new online tax services for citizens in no time at all.